About ご挨拶
What is “Japanese Tea Culture”?
TEA --- has been loved and drunk everyday all over the world for a long time.
Every kind of tea is made from the same tea plant, Camellia sinensis.
It becomes Sencha, Matcha, Black tea or Oolong tea depending on the processing method.
In addition to its tastiness, containing caffeine which is unique to wild plants, is the special feature of tea.
Tea was brought into Japan from China as a medicine first, developed as a beverage in an original way, then advanced to Japanese tea culture, “茶の湯Chanoyu (Sado)” and “煎茶道Sencha-do”.
Japanese teas such as 煎茶Sencha, 番茶Bancha or ほうじ茶Hojicha used to be drunk at home casually, but due to the increase in variety of beverages and the spread of teas sold in plastic bottles, the amount of people who drink tea at home have decreased. There are more fancy cafes serving Japanese teas and sweets but there are less people who know how to make a cup of tea, using Kyusu (tea pot).
Japanese tea has become popular as a beverage or an ingredient of sweets all over the world and its health effects are well-known worldwide. But as to tea culture, I don’t think it’s recognized well both in Japan and other countries.
There are varieties of pleasures, beauties or wisdoms in Japanese tea culture which is handed down from generation to generation. And I have taken a great pleasure in learning the art of Japanese tea culture.
It is tea culture, not tea itself.
It is a time to prepare, serve and have a cup of tea for yourself or for your company.
It is a good communication tool which is sometimes verbal, sometimes nonverbal.
It is our Art of Life.
It is a peaceful escape from this busy and chaotic world.
It is respect to Mother Earth and to enjoy the change of the seasons.
It is gratitude to things and moments you are given.
It is to know that life is love, love is to understand, to understand is to forgive, to forgive is to live forgiven.
I hope those wonderful things in Japanese tea culture are shared, spread and handed down, wishing many people are healed, encouraged, touched, pleased and grown by TEA.
October 2016 (re-written in March 2019)
このウェブサイトは、日本をはじめ、世界の方々に【日本のお茶の文化・煎茶道・文人趣味】を知ってほしいという思いからはじめました。まだまだお茶を学ぶにあたって未熟な私ではありますが、日本のお茶を楽しむ方法や、お茶に関わる様々なものやこと、場や道具を季節や機会に応じてどのようにしつらえるか 等 少しずつ(英語・日本語で)紹介しています。
ー 日本のお茶文化とは何でしょうか?
日本には中国からお茶がもたらされました。初めは薬や僧侶たちの眠気覚ましの飲みものとして、それから独自の方法で飲料として発展し、のちに "茶の湯(茶道)" と "煎茶道" という日本独自の文化にまで昇華されました。
それは、自分自身や一緒にお茶を分かち合う仲間の為に一煎 (服) の茶を準備し、淹れて、飲む時間。
それは、"人生は愛で、愛とは理解すること。理解することは許すこと。許すこととは許され生きること。" と知ることです。